Energy is the biggest resource every country can count on for their seamless future. When the future is determined based on your ability to manage energy resources, how sure are you to get an adequate amount of electricity is the question to answer. When saving is not on the bucket list, it comes to the traditional way of any developing country’s life, rich get more access & poor get limited access.
“Energy is central to nearly every major challenge & opportunity the world faces today.”
Affordable & clean energy is one of the 17 goals to transform the world called ‘sustainable development goals’ by UNO. They believe that the world revolves around energy to evolve the new phases of development. It is one of the requisites for the sustained growth of an individual, organization, factory, state or even nation. So, the necessity of energy & its management is like a fingerprint that can’t be the same for everyone. Even 2 similar plants might need different areas of energy saving. So, we don’t have something called ready-made EMS available. Though some made it available online, it actually does show you a picture of whole bills but no predictions or suggestions to your RoI, Savings. In short, If a system can’t save your manpower, money & resources that are as good as doing nothing. So, how do you choose an EMS that actually works for you?
Energy Management System is a platform that helps Residential complexes, manufacturing plants, commercial buildings to define & suggest what all the possible areas to save energy. “Measuring your energy usage and cost is the first step to properly managing energy." Energy is not an expenditure; it is an asset where the monitored & controlled utilization can bring a lot of saving.
There are various elements involved in taking the decision to finalize an EMS, from installation to reports until predictive analysis of the energy & process parameters, the requirement varies from organization to organization. In such cases, there should be few parameters to recognize the feasibility of the system with your organization like.
1. Multiple communication possibilities: The Software you use should be capable to accept the ocean of changes & ready to mingle with any other third-party devices. Keeping aside the compatibility of a system, It should allow the change management that we consider mandatory even for the systems, would definitely save us a fortune. It should be able to get along with any type of communication protocols which is only possible with an interoperable platform with the capability of accepting any kind of devices.
2. Technology and Customization: Technology is far most important any other aspects, it seems you are working very hard but, you are still not growing. Just like Nokia, we fail & still, we didn’t know the reason. It decides your epitome of growth. The better the technology the better the results in the industry. It is very important to check with the technology & the platform it is built on. It is well-versed that the need for EMS varies for every business, of course, every sector. It is thus very important to customize the solution that solves your pain points, & leave the rest unless given for free of cost. Technology that can’t be customized for you is not the right one for you.
3. Future Proof: An organization is a living object. Every invention & investment in the organization should be made sure to be compatible with future changes either in terms of technology or the people. An organization can be successful when it is process oriented & the platforms you use to make it happen are future proof. The software once designed for your organization should be made sure that the same software can be upgraded with multiple aspects of technological advancements like compatibility with other party vendors, possible vertical integration, easy technological upgrade, etc. It should be made future-proof to fit the organization at any time.
4. Data Safety, Security & Analysis: Data is a very important asset for every organization now & the vulnerability of data leads to unprecedented consequences as it mainly depicts the privacy of an individual, an organization, etc. If your data is compromised your competitor is as good as you or may be better than you because Data has a better idea than you do. The output of every invention is based on the ease of data accessing along with its safety & security. Technologies like Blockchain may be advanced, but many countries are still in dilemma whether to imbibe it due to its data decentralization. It is not applicable for every Industry, also not everyone in the industry that is applicable may not be happy with low secure technologies but, This kind of technologies will be the essential part of the industry in the coming years if the safety & security is taken care of
5. Return on Investment (RoI): People should consider spending on systems in saving Energy as an investment but not as the expenditure. For people who consider it as the investment here is what you need to consider, The RoI (Return on Investment). Less the payback period, better the solution you have invested on & early start saving the energy resources.
6. Affordability: There are 100s of players in the market who has software that named as Energy Management System, just create an account, purchase the online software even at 10000 bucks, Which is where people got confused with the word “affordability” of a system. Affordability is actually the price-product-premises fit which self-defines as the price you pay is worth the product features, aesthetics, & technology that should help solve the pain of your enterprise. Being in the Energy sector for one & half decade, we have read about different customer needs, consumed a lot of data & spoke with multiple domain experts & designed software that works towards your future.
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