An ATS is a device that is designed to Automatically transfer between (2 or 3) sources of power to improve the reliability of the electrical supply to the connected load and to provide zero interruption of power. It automatically switches when it senses one of the sources has lost or gained power. Automatic Transfer Switch not only transfers the load to the backup generator but also it commands the backup generator to start and stop, based on the voltage monitored on the primary supply. ATS installed in Industries, an Industries is equipped with a backup generator and an ATS. When an electric utility outage occurs, the ATS will tell the backup generator to start. Once the ATS sees that the generator is ready to provide electric power, the ATS breaks the connection from the electric utility and connects the generator to the same main electrical panel. When utility power returns for a minimum time, the ATS will automatically transfer back to utility power and command the generator to turn off.
Utility to Utility: Dual utility applications are becoming more common, in facilities with zero interruption of power, but no standby generator. If one utility feed fails, the transfer switch automatically connects the load to the second utility feed.
Generator to Generator: (using multiple on-site generators) If the primary generator fails, the transfer switch sends a start signal to the second generator and then transfers the load.
Utility to Generator: If the supply from Utility fails/ interrupted, the transfer switch will send a start signal to the generator automatically and connect the generator supply to the load. Standby power system to two utility feeds.
ATS is a factory assembled device and it requires minimum knowledge for installation, thereby simplifying the installation and reducing the amount of time required to be operational.
The current-carrying parts of the device are all enclosed, providing protection against any direct contact. There are absolutely no exposed wires. In an emergency situation requiring a manual operation, the automatic and remote use is disabled by simply operating the handle.
The device has been designed to be extremely small and compact with fully enclosed. Compared to traditional devices, the Compact ATS takes very less cabin space. No supplementary accessories are needed, not even an extra external power source.
The motorised ATS is operated by an electrical motor for moving the contact. Motorised ATS is usually adapted for adjustment.( ie; Transferring the switch with some delay)
The solenoid ATS is operated by the magnet, just one electromagnetic coil is used for moving the contact. The Solenoid ATS is used for Faster and Quick operation when it senses the fault within a fraction of milliseconds.
The places were interruption of power even for 1 second leads to the REAL TIME LOSS / UNRECOVERABLE LOSS, To prevent that a Solenoid ATS is essential!
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